Dette er litteratur og artikler vi viser til og henter inspirasjon fra i Trendrapporten.
1. Howerton, T. “Most big companies are dying, while some have found the fountain of youth”, Forbes,18 April 2017
2. Stoknes & Rockstrom (2018) “Redefining Green Growth within planetary boundaries”.
3. Mayer, et al (2018). Measuring Progress towards a Circular Economy Journal of Industrial Ecology.
4. Miljøverndirektoratet. FN-sambandet. Raworth, Kate. (2017). Doughnut Economics. Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
5. Forelesninger på BI, Grønn vekst og konkurransekraft våren 2019.
6. Kane, G. (2011). The Green Executive. Corporate leadership in a low carbon economy.
8. Bhargava, R (2019) Non obvious 2019 - how to predict trends and win the future
9. Grush, L. “Rocket Lab ́s disco ball satellite has plunged back to Earth - and some aren ́t sad to see it go”, The Verge, 22. mars 2018
10. Fuglehaug, W. ”Stranden er blitt et Instagram - fenomen, og drukner i besøkende. Nå tvinger politiet turistene bort. Aftenposten, 6.januar 2019
11. Heid, M. “Americans are obsessed with tidying up. But there is a downside to being organized” TIME Magazine, 9 april 2019
12. Wallman, J. “Viewpoint: The hazards of too much stuff”, BBC, 24. januar 2019
13. Borunda, A.”Marie Kondo helps declutter homes. What does that mean for plastic waste?” National Geographic, 22 mars 2019 https://www.nationalgeographic...
14. The Light Phone
15. Wong, Julia C. “Good for the world? Facebook emails reveal what really drives the site” The Guardian, 6. desember 2018
18. Godin, S. (2018)This is Marketing - you can ́t be seen until you learn to see
19. Hyttfors, S. (2017) Yoga for Leaders
20. Sinek S.,Mead, D. og Docker, P. (2017) Find your why
21. Rossman, J (2019) Think like Amazon
22. Rosling, H., Rosling, O. og Rosling, A. (2018) Factfulness
23. Jiwa, B (2014) Difference
24. Botsman, R. (2017) Who can you trust - how technology brought us together and why it might drive us apart
25. Harari, Y. N. (2019) 21 tanker for det 21.århundre
26. Timms, H. & Heimans, J. (2018) New Power
27. Thompson, D. (2018) Hit Makers - How to succeed in an Age of Distraction
28. Ferguson, J. (2019) Mind Hacking
29. Jiwa, B. (2014) Marketing - a love story
30. Jiwa, B. (2017) Hunch - turn your everyday insight into the next big thing
31. Heath, C. og Heath, D. (2017) Made to stick
32. Bhargava, R. (2015) Non obvious - how to think different, curate ideas and predict the future
33. Ito, J. og Howe, J. (2016) Whiplash - how to survive our faster future
34. Gallo, C. (2016)The storytellers secret
35. Storr, W. (2019) The science of storytelling
36. Bhargava, R. (2018) Non obvious 2018 - how to predict trends and win the future
37. What to think about machines that think (2015), John Brockman har samlet tankene til dagens ledende tenkere innen maskinlæring.
38. David, S. (2016) Emotional Agility
39. Standing, G. (2016)The Precariat - the new dangerous class
40. Grant, A. (2016) Originals - how non-conformists change the world
41. Rifkin, J (2016) The zero marginal cost society - the internet of things, the collaborative commons, and the eclips of capitalism
42. Brooks, D. (2012) The social animal
43. Heath, C. og Heath, D. (2017) The power of moments
44. Clark, D. (2016) Alibaba - the house that Jack Ma built
45. Galloway, S. (2017) The four - the hidden dna of amazon, apple, facebook and google
46. Ellis, S. (2017) Hacking Growth
47. Yoon, E. (2017) Super consumer
49. Bhargava, R. (2020) Non-obvious Megatrends
50. Pej-gruppen Scandinavian trend institute Generation Alpha Generationsportræt - 10 egenskaper - Detailkoncepter (2015)
51. GreenBiz (2020) The State of Green Business Report (
52. Aspaas K. (2018) Den emosjonelle revolusjon